Periodontal disease is a type of inflammatory illness that affects the support tissues of the teeth, meaning the gum, bone and the ligament that supports the dental root. The main causes of this disease are the bacterial dental plaque, supra and subgingival tartar and the anfractuous edges of the existent obturations or the prosthetic works.
Prophylaxis of periodontitis
The poor condition of the patient (general conditions, medication, genetic predisposition, etc.), smoking, insufficient water intake and the lack of constant and rigorous oral hygiene are favorable factors for the appearance of periodontal diseases, the mineralization of bacterial plaque and the formation of tartar.
Because gingivitis is not symptomatically manifested by pain, most patients do not seek treatment for periodontal diseases in the early phase, but only when they notice gingival bleeding, inflammation, halena (bad breath), taste sensation unpleasant, gum tension, tooth mobility or purulent collections.
The evolution of periodontal disease can go unnoticed for months or even years. Statistics warn us that 90% of adults have periodontal/gingival disease in various stages, this being considered an important cause of tooth loss, therefore the periodic control of all patients every 6 months is very important.

Treatment of early periodontitis
In the EXCEDENT CLINIC, we initially carry out dental hygiene, through descaling, professional tooth brushing, air-flow with sodium bicarbonate and laser cleaning. The treatment of periodontitis then continues with the following clinical stages:
- Removal of factors favoring the retention of food residues: wide or incorrect prosthetic work, unfinished fillings, marginal caries, etc.
- Education for good oral hygiene: we teach the patient how and what to use for an effective removal of periodontopathogenic bacteria: dental floss, mouthwash, interdental brushes, oral douche.
- Subgingival descaling with special handles. Black subgingival tartar keeps numerous bacteria on its rough surface!
- Laser bacterial decontamination, a painless and quick procedure, will reduce inflammation and is mandatory before periodontometry, to avoid cross-contamination of periodontal pockets.
- Periodontometry: the painless clinical method by which the depth of periodontal pockets, gingival retraction and tooth mobility are measured. These data are written in the periodontal file to establish the optimal method of treatment.
- Subgingival curettage of periodontal pockets
The periodontal pocket is a space formed between the tooth and the gum, which fills with bacteria, diseased bone, tartar or pus. They maintain a permanent inflammation that progressively melts the bone around the root.
Subgingival curettage cleans the pathological, infected contents of the periodontal pockets. The intervention is painless, under local anesthesia, only on the affected tooth. By removing the infected tissue, the periodontal pocket will be reduced, the inflammation will subside and the progression of the periodontal disease will be under control.

Treatment of advanced periodontitis
- Treatment of periodontitis with laser. The Biolase laser is necessary to eliminate pathogenic bacteria from deep areas with very difficult access. The laser intervention is completely painless and is performed at the end of the subgingival curettage under local anesthesia, in the same session.
- Surgical interventions for the treatment of advanced periodontitis. In very deep periodontal pockets, better visibility and access is necessary. Periodontal flap surgery allows periodontal regeneration by applying specific solutions (Perisolv, HybenX, etc.), protective membranes, bone grafts, enamel matrix proteins (Emdogain), etc..
- Immobilization of periodontal teeth with computerized splints. The PMMA splint redistributes forces on several teeth and protects diseased teeth. Immobilization stops the migration tendency of periodontal teeth and the breaking of periodontal ligaments.
- Dental implants for replacing missing teeth. Dental bridges and mobile acrylic prostheses are contraindicated in periodontitis, because they increase masticatory loads on some remaining pillar teeth with already reduced bone implantation.
- Plasmolifting – the method of processing by centrifugation of the patient’s blood with the help of a unique set of vacuumed biotechnological test tubes. An injectable form of platelet-rich plasma (PRP-platelet rich plasma) is obtained, which is introduced as a finished product into the periodontal tissues, to reduce inflammation, trigger natural gingival remodeling processes and prevent bone loss.
- Dispensary. The periodontal patient must know that periodontitis is a chronic condition, which requires periodic check-ups like any other chronic disease, to prevent recurrence. In the first year, the checks will be every 3 months, then every 6 months.

Can I have an implant in periodontitis?
Yes! The dental implant can be inserted successfully! It is important that you are periodontally stabilized before performing prosthetic work or inserting an implant.
Otherwise, the toxins and enzymes released by the bacteria will affect the bone and gum tissue around the implant or abutment teeth, and over time will lead to the loss of the teeth under the prosthetic work and the implant.
Periodic checks follow and it is mandatory to maintain good oral hygiene.
Which toothpaste is good for periodontitis?
There is no vaccine, no gel, no toothpaste, no pill that cures periodontal disease. They treat only the effect of the disease and not the cause, the bone will continue to resorb in the absence of adequate treatment, carried out by the specialist doctor.
Toothpastes with a strong antimicrobial effect (Blend-A-Med professional care, Curaprox, Elmex senior) should be alternated with toothpastes that contribute to the regeneration of the periodontium (Parodontax, Gennadent).
Rinsing with alcohol-free mouthwash from Oral-B, Parodontax or Curasept is mandatory after each brushing. Oral B electric toothbrushes are recommended instead of manual ones, with heads with soft bristles and a program for sensitive gums and gum massage.
Tongue brushing is mandatory, especially for smokers, with the special end of the Oral-B electric toothbrush.
What antibiotic should I take for periodontitis?
General antibiotic administration is indicated only in acute or aggressive forms of periodontitis.
The need for administration is assessed by the specialist doctor. Antibiotics given repeatedly for periodontal abscesses will cause microbial resistance and over time they will no longer have an effect.
Antibiotics in periodontitis are generally administered according to the antibiogram.
Does periodontal disease affect my overall health?
Yes, there are numerous studies that claim that the penetration of periodontal pathogens into the systemic circulation has negative effects on the general state of health, especially in immunosuppressed patients.
Untreated periodontal disease is associated with:
- stroke, myocardial infarction, bacterial endocarditis
- in atheroma plaques of patients with untreated periodontal disease, bacteria from periodontal pockets were identified.
- in diabetics it induces an increase in insulin resistance, so blood sugar becomes more difficult to control.
- evolution of some autoimmune diseases (rheumatoid arthritis)
- premature birth through the action of endotoxins and inflammatory mediators on the feto-placental barrier.
- increases the risk of pneumonia by aspiration of bacteria from the oropharynx into the lower respiratory tract.
Complications of untreated periodontitis
- Gingival retraction
- Exposing the roots with the onset of cold pain, brushing.
- Toothache due to mobility.
- Damaging the nerve of the tooth through the penetration of bacteria from the periodontal pockets: pulpitis and necrosis!!
- Difficult mastication due to tooth mobility and pain, forcing the patient to eat soft foods.
- Loss of teeth through complete destruction of the bone surrounding the tooth.
- Affecting the general state of health: stroke, myocardial infarction, bacterial endocarditis, poor glycemic control in diabetes, premature birth, autoimmune diseases (rheumatoid arthritis).

Surgical and drug treatments
At the EXCEDENT Clinic, from simple gingivitis to advanced stages of periodontitis, surgical and drug treatments are individualized according to the needs of each patient. Periodontal pocket surgery interventions are performed by the specialist periodontologist and/or oro-maxillo-facial surgeon with perfect accuracy.
Bone addition and immobilization prolong the arch life of mobile teeth. Don’t let periodontitis affect your health! Schedule a consultation with the periodontologist specialist of the EXCEDENT Clinic!!
Clinical data
Follow important information provided by the doctors of the EXCEDENT DENTAL CLINIC, to find out how you can limit periodontal disease, in the office and at home…

Treatment of periodontitis with laser
Periodontitis is a chronic infection caused by periodontopathogenic bacteria, which colonize the surface of the tooth and destroy the bone surrounding the root by releasing enzymes and toxins with destructive effects on the cells.
Gingivitis and gingival bleeding
Gingivitis involves the inflammation of the gingival tissue caused by the deposition of bacterial plaque, without affecting the bone surrounding the root.
The Plasmolifting procedure is used in dentistry in the case of generalized chronic marginal periodontitis, gingivitis, localized periodontitis, post-extraction alveolitis, peri-implantitis, but also in the prophylaxis of periodontal diseases.