Teeth whitening

Teeth whitening by professional techniques in the dental office is a simple way to return the teeth to their natural color, often affected by the consumption of colored drinks and foods (coffee, tea, red wine, chocolate, etc.) or aging.

Why is laser teeth whitening worth it?

Teeth whitening

Perfectly healthy and shiny white teeth are a sign of youth and have a major impact on smile aesthetics, self-confidence and personal and professional success.

The Epic X laser is a medical device at the forefront of today’s technology, its results are safe and predictable.

albirea dintilor cu laser serviciu dentar

What advantages does laser teeth whitening have over other teeth whitening techniques?

  • It acts specifically on chromophore accelerators: whitening is more precise and uniform!!
  • Less heat transferred to the tooth compared to other whitening lamps…so no pain!!
  • The laser only works for 30 sec. on each dial, its role being only to activate the gel.
  • Desensitizing gel included in the whitening kit.
  • Faster than whitening at home or with other lamps: a session lasts 20 min.
  • A minimum of 4 shades of whitening is guaranteed: 74% of teeth are whitened by 5-8 shades.
  • The number of light shades depends on the original color, not on gender or age.
  • The more colored the teeth, the whiter they get!!
    Higher efficiency than any other bleaching lamp.

Teeth whitening with Enlighten Smiles

With over 15 years of experience on the UK market, the Enlighten Smiles company has arrived in Romania, bringing with it the most effective teeth whitening system in the world. Evolution 3 is the only treatment that guarantees the professional whitening of every patient’s teeth up to VITA B 1 shade with a success rate of 97%.

Teeth whitening is one of the easiest methods for your beautification!

Whether you want to brighten your smile for your wedding day or succeed in a business meeting, whitening is simple, affordable and safe.

Many people say they feel younger after the treatment and see that the effects of aging such as red wine, coffee and cigarette stains have been erased.

The difference between Enlighten and any other whitening treatment is the result.

Follow our instructions and your teeth will whiten beyond any other system.

The Enlighten Evolution 3 treatment is the only one that guarantees shade B1, even for tetracycline stains or more problematic cases.

For spectacular results, follow the full treatment.

The Enlighten Smiles professional whitening treatment involves 3 steps

  • Dental impression

    The dentist will take alginate impressions of you and send them to the Enlighten Smiles lab to make the trays. You will be given Tooth Serum toothpaste to start preparing your teeth for whitening and will use it throughout the treatment.

    enlighten smiles ampretare
  • Home Kit

    You return to the office to receive the trays and start the treatment with the home kit. The home kit contains:

    • 1 syringe with 10% carbamide peroxide – this will be used for 7 nights
    • 1 syringe with 16% carbamide peroxide – this will be used for 7 nights
    • 1 box with 12 Evoseal desensitizing sticks – you will apply them locally in the morning only if you feel sensitivity.
    enlighten smiles home kit
  • In Office Kit

    After 14 days, the result stabilization treatment is performed in our office, in 2 20-minute sessions during the same appointment.

    We light up your smile!

    enlighten smiles in office kit
  • Descoperă Serviciile Noastre Stomatologice Profesionale

    Cu experiență vastă și tehnologie de vârf, echipa noastră de specialiști te ajută să obții un zâmbet sănătos și strălucitor. Vino și descoperă cum putem transforma zâmbetul tău!

    doamna frumoasa zambind dantura perfecta