Dental prophylaxis

Dental prevention is more important than treatment, and treatment of dental conditions at an early stage is much less expensive for the patient.

Dental prophylaxis - "the cheapest treatment"

Dental prophylaxis

Prevention of dental diseases is achieved by:

  • proper oral hygiene
  • dental hygiene is based on dental care at home
  • tooth brushing is especially important, although this alone will not remove tartar that builds up over time.

Tartar deposits must be removed periodically to reduce the risk of periodontal disease and tooth loss.

profilaxie excedent

Professional dental hygiene

Dental prophylaxis

EXCEDENT specialists perform professional dental hygiene, by removing bacterial plaque, smoothing dental surfaces, removing tartar deposits and whitening teeth using the following techniques:

  • by ultrasonic descaling
  • professional rotating brushing and removal of stains from teeth with professional pastes with perlite granules with high polishing power of dental surfaces
  • with the help of the prophyjet, a pressurized jet of water and abrasive particles of sodium bicarbonate, which removes interdental stains and has the effect of whitening the teeth
  • LBR (laser cleaning) to prevent bacterial plaque deposits for 4-6 weeks
  • EMS prophylaxis – Guided Biofilm Therapy is the ultimate systematic solution for dental biofilm management in professional prevention, using state-of-the-art AIRFLOW®, PERIOFLOW® and PIEZON® technologies on teeth, soft tissues and implants.

Periodic visits to the dentist, at least twice a year, are important at any age in order to maintain proper dental hygiene, to reduce oral septicemia and the risk of tooth decay.

Our patients benefit from free and personalized oral hygiene training at home, with manual and electric toothbrushes, interdental brushes, dental floss and mouthwash available for testing in both clinics.

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Treating caries at an early stage

Dental prophylaxis

This is done by fluoridating the teeth and sealing the occlusal grooves and pits of the molars and premolars, especially in children over 6 years old, but also in adults.Sealing is a completely painless, quick, non-invasive, inexpensive procedure that provides anti-aging protection for a period of at least 2 years.

Prevention of bruxism and stopping excessive abrasion

It is made by making individual nighttime protection glasses made of polyacetate or acrylate.

They protect the teeth, contribute to the relaxation of the muscles, the prevention of joint problems and a more restful sleep.

Descoperă Serviciile Noastre Stomatologice Profesionale

Cu experiență vastă și tehnologie de vârf, echipa noastră de specialiști te ajută să obții un zâmbet sănătos și strălucitor. Vino și descoperă cum putem transforma zâmbetul tău!

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