Laser frenectomy
Frenectomy refers to the surgical procedure that removes the frenum or changes its position.
Laser frenectomy
Laser frenectomy
The Epic X laser is cutting-edge technology for any parent who wants to experience “high tech dentistry” when it comes to their child.
Laser frenectomy is an intervention increasingly requested by pediatricians, speech therapists and orthodontists, because the lingual and labial frenulum, when improperly inserted, produce numerous dysfunctions in the child and affect their growth and psycho-somatic development.
Laser frenectomy for children is a very sensitive and delicate subject for parents. Every parent has a different opinion about this intervention, but they all agree that it should be done for the health of the child.
Obviously, we all want the best for our child, and when it comes to various medical interventions we want everything to go perfectly. Health is priceless. But frenectomy is not necessarily about health. Are you expecting a baby and hearing this term more and more often? Don’t know what it means or what it refers to?

Tipuri de fren
There are 2 types of frenum
- Lingual (positioned under the tongue): connects the tongue to the mandibular bone;
- Labial (under the lip): connects the middle of the lip to the jawbone
As a topic that is increasingly discussed in parenting groups, other classifications of lingual frenulum have also begun to appear:
- Anterior lingual frenum – is short and holds the tip of the tongue anteriorly limiting tongue movements, feeding and speaking;
- Posterior lingual brake – it is longer and allows a more posterior position of the tip of the tongue and implicitly wider movements of it.
These classifications are made to better understand the place of the frenum in the child’s mouth and to be able to prevent further problems.
Anterior lingual frenum
1. Anterior frenum
The anterior frenum joins the floor of the oral cavity to the tongue. In some cases, things can get complicated. For example, the tongue can be bound with the help of the frenulum up to its tip (sometimes the tip is also involved). Because of these complications may occur:
- Impossibility of proper breastfeeding in infants. When the baby cannot use its tongue mobility to the maximum, it cannot attach to the breast properly and it cannot feed properly and sufficiently. Crying and agitation disappear in a few minutes after frenectomy.
- Problems with the correct articulation of words and delayed speech;
- Problems related to mastication;
- Eruption of teeth in abnormal positions, with large spaces between them;
Posterior lingual frenum
2. Posterior frenum
It is located at the back of the tongue and is more difficult to diagnose.
Complications of the rear brake are seen later:
- Problems in the process of breastfeeding – he cannot attach to the breast and does not eat enough;
- Total deformation of the child’s physiognomy – this happens because the rear brake is much thicker. With the help of the tongue, it pulls the mandible bone and deforms the child’s physiognomy.
- Impossibility of adaptation with dental prostheses in adults.
Types of frenectomy
There are 2 types of frenum removal interventions
- Classical surgical intervention (with a scalpel or scissors)is chosen less often by parents. However, this type of operation is still used in the province, because it is not as expensive as laser frenectomy.
- Laser intervention is recommended by all doctors because it is not painful and does not bleed. The operation is performed quickly, with no risk of infection. It does not require analgesics or general anesthesia, but only local, in older children. In infants, it is done without anesthesia, because the infant does not feel the pain. In addition to all these benefits, the child has nothing to fear because he no longer sees a classic medical instrument such as the scalpel/scissors.
Intervention procedures
Theoretically, the frenum cutting procedure for a newborn using the classical method (scalpel/scissors) is painless. A newborn does not have many blood vessels and there are no nerve endings.
To stop the bleeding, the baby should be given a bottle of milk. Therefore, this intervention can be performed even at birth without anesthesia.
This happens very rarely because the child must first be consulted by a specialist doctor. It is not recommended to intervene from birth, in the maternity ward, but only in specialized clinics.
The most indicated procedure is the laser one. Fast and efficient, no hassle and no blood. Basically, the laser will be handled by the specialized dentist. Compared to the classic intervention, this is very precise.
Positive effects of frenectomy
Lingual frenectomy has the following advantages
- the child will benefit from proper nutrition – the problem of feeding disappears completely, and thus the child will be fed correctly, sufficiently and will calm down.
- the child will enjoy an active social life – pronunciation defects disappear at the age of 2-3 when integration into society takes place (in kindergarten).
Positive effects of frenectomy
Labial frenectomy has the following advantages
- elimination of the lathe;
- improved mastication and speech;
- removal of oral and aesthetic discomfort
- prevents mouth breathing (open mouth)
- prevents the insufficient development of the jaw.
The recovery period after the intervention
1. Classic surgical intervention with scalpel / scissors
Recovery for babies up to 9 months takes only a few hours.
After that, the baby can be breastfed again. They start to eat normally and breast milk will heal the sore in the mouth much faster.
For children over 9 months, the recovery period can be even one day.
The recovery period after the intervention
2. Laser intervention
For the laser intervention, the recovery time is very short both in the case of the lingual frenulum and in the case of the labial frenulum. The baby can be put to the breast immediately, and the older child only waits 1-2 hours for the meal.. Immediately after these interventions, the older child must follow certain rules:
- should not be fed for 1-2 hours;
- for approximately 3-4 days, he must not eat foods that can irritate him (salt, pepper or other spicy spices);
- for a few days, it is advisable to feed him pureed food;
- after it is fed, the oral cavity must be thoroughly cleaned by rinsing and brushing;
- the older child must stick out his tongue a lot (to others) or whistle often in the first 4-5 days after the intervention.
Tips for a successful laser frenectomy
- Choose an experienced doctor (specialized in such interventions), who has excellent results. He will give you a lot of advice and perform a correct intervention.
- Also, try to choose a friendly and sociable doctor to communicate with your child throughout the intervention.
- Call various clinics and ask how long the intervention is. In general, children are impatient and panic very quickly.
- Be careful not to involve risks. This type of intervention must be carried out easily and without problems. The specialist should assume everything. It must not fail.
- Choose a clinic that also offers comfort during the intervention. It is very important for your child because he will be more relaxed.
If you want health for your child, an active social life, without problems in pronouncing words, a good integration into the collective, then quickly make an appointment for the frenectomy intervention.
Laser frenectomy for children is the best solution to ensure a healthy life both socially and medically.
If you want your baby to eat well and grow up peacefully and happily, come to the laser frenectomy consultation.
Dr. Amira Bashanfar, a doctor with experience in this type of intervention, can guide you right from the consultation to the most suitable solution to the problem, so that you and the child can be calm and worry-free.
For more details, directly from the specialist doctor, request a consultation on tel. 0744 537 377!
Frequently Asked Questions Laser Frenectomy
Some frequently asked questions about laser frenectomy.
Book NowWhat is frenectomy?
Frenectomy refers to the surgical procedure that removes the frenum or changes its position.
What is the frenum?
The frenum is a soft tissue with a restrictive role regarding the movements made by the mobile organs of the human body, for example the tongue or the lip. The frenum is also called the thread under the tongue.
When is a frenectomy performed?
It can be performed at any time of life, but it is recommended that interventions (either classical or laser) be performed as early as possible.
When the child is still small, healing is much faster and the intervention easier to bear. It is very good for your child, if you want it not to affect his quality of life. If it is done later, the oral cavity may undergo changes.
For example, there is the possibility of coccyx (large space between the teeth, especially between the incisors of the upper jaw). In any case, the ideal age for sectioning the brake is in the first 6 weeks of life or at 2-3 years.
Throughout life, the size and position of the brake usually remain unchanged. However, it can sometimes thicken over time and produce changes in facial structures.
When is frenectomy necessary?
Frenectomy is necessary when the parent or doctor notices one of the following symptoms:
- feeding difficulties due to the reduced mobility of the tongue: the child swallows without chewing, the duration of the meal is very long, the child refuses solid foods
- speech difficulties: dyslexia, the pronunciation of certain consonants is difficult (d,t,l,r,s,p)
- dental eruption difficulties: the upper labial frenum can delay the eruption of the upper incisors for up to 6 months and can cause both the appearance of an unsightly diastema and the shortening of the upper lip
- gingival retraction: in adolescents and adults, frenectomy of the lateral flanges stops gingival retraction and favors the return of the gum to the level of the dental pack
Why do laser frenectomy?
- because healing is faster and better than with incisional frenectomy
- because it is done without a scalpel and without a suture, with only 3-4 drops of anesthetic.
- because it is faster and easier to bear.
- because the edges do not reattach and there is no relapse.
- because speech and aesthetics improve immediately and visibly.
- because it stops gingival retraction without scarring.
What other laser interventions are indicated for children?
In the EXCEDENT Clinic, we also recommend laser interventions for children in the following situations:
- before cavity preparation: reduces pain in pediatric dentistry, increases the child’s ability to cooperate through a direct analgesic effect on nerve endings.
- pulpotomies on temporary teeth, without vibration and without pain.
How do you know your baby has a tied frenulum (child and mother symptoms)?
In general, you can tell if your baby has a tied brake by taking into account the following symptoms:
- has difficulty swallowing;
- can’t hold the bottle or pacifier in his mouth;
- does not gain weight;
- attaches with difficulty to the breast;
- when you nurse him, he loses the breast easily, and the nursing time is very long;
- when I give him teeth, he bites you to better attach to the breast.
On the other hand, the mother’s symptoms are:
- chronic pains;
- nipples with wounds;
- fatigue, because the child cannot feed properly during the day, compensating during the night;
- at the time of breastfeeding, the mother is in great pain.
Keep the above symptoms in mind and consult a specialist immediately if:
- 2-3 year old child complains of problems in tongue movement, swallowing or speaking;
- your baby has colic and slow weight gain;
- breastfeeding your baby is difficult or painful.
Is the laser intervention in children painful?
Laser interventions are generally painless.
In anxious children, they can be performed, depending on the age and the condition to be treated, with topical (gel) or injectable local anesthesia.
How much does a frenectomy cost in children?
The price of a laser intervention starts from 600 lei. It depends on the clinic you choose. The intervention takes a maximum of 15 minutes and is free of pain, bleeding and scars.
The classic intervention with scalpel / scissors costsfrom 250 lei. It takes about 20 minutes. A scar appears 10 days after the operation, which will disappear with time. Private clinics avoid this type of intervention, because without sutures the risk of infection, relapses and scars is very high.