Dentistry for Children

Children's dentistry requires patience and skill. CLINIC EXCEDENT offers dental services even to the youngest patients.
There is no minimum age limit to treat dental problems.

Children - beneficiaries of special treatments, including virtual reality

Dentistry for Children

Regardless of whether it is temporary or permanent teeth, we have the training, availability and materials necessary to carry out all the necessary treatments for your child:

  • temporary tooth caries therapy, including laser pulpotomy
  • permanent tooth seals, without pain or discomfort
  • surveillance and management of tooth eruption
  • professional brushes for removing extrinsic colorings
  • extraction of temporary teeth
  • parulis treatment
  • prophylaxiscaries by local fluoridation
  • education for maintaining dental hygiene
  • application of dental appliances
  • laser frenectomy to accelerate orthodontic treatment and treatment of dyslexia.
stomatologie copii clinicile excedent tratamente copii

Quiet children… happy parents!

Dentistry for Children

Our specialists have up to 25 years of experience in the treatment of small patients, so your child will accept interventions more easily and their duration will be shorter.

Laser interventions and those assisted by virtual reality will increase the child’s compliance with the treatment.

Dr. Iatagan Elena, orthodontist, has exceptional professional training and outstanding results in 25 years of medical practice.

The simultaneous presence of pedodontists and orthodontists in the office is a major advantage for you, as the orthodontic consultation can be performed on the same day as the pedodontic treatment.

The visit to the pedodontist is no longer stressful for the child or for you!

At CLINIC EXCEDENT, children come with pleasure to the office dedicated to them, knowing that the dental treatment will be performed without pain, and the most obedient and obedient ones are rewarded after each visit!

The entire medical team is dedicated to the supervision and maintenance of the child’s dental health, as well as to your periodic counseling throughout the period of jaw growth and teeth change.

smiling child with light curly hair examination dental chair

Frequently asked questions Dentistry for Children

Frequently asked questions about children's dentistry

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  • When should I bring my child to the dentist for the first time?

    The child must be brought to the dentist as soon as the first teeth appear, so that the doctor can instruct you on how to properly clean them and prevent bottle caries. From the age of 2 and a half, the baby dentition will be complete and the child will be able to collaborate with the doctor.

  • When does the first permanent tooth erupt?

    The first permanent tooth erupts between 5 and 6 years. Sometimes the 6-year molar erupts first, behind the last temporary teeth, sometimes the lower central incisors erupt first.

  • Pain-free treatment with the child at the dentist?

    Children’s treatments at the EXCEDENT Clinic are painless and turned into play by the dentists, so that the little patient can cooperate and come with pleasure.

    We help cartoon characters, virtual reality and laser therapies to turn the visit to the dentist into a pleasant and comfortable experience.

  • Why do the child's teeth grind at 1 - 2 years old?

    Milk teeth grind when night feeding is associated with lack of dental hygiene and the consumption of sweets between meals.

    In this way caries appear with fulminant evolution (bottle caries) which completely destroy the incisors before entering the community, causing the child severe speech problems, unaesthetic appearance and social isolation.

  • How do I take care of my toddler's teeth?

    Milk teeth are wiped with a compress moistened in cold water after each meal of milk, at the breast or with a bottle.

    After the age of 1, brush with a soft toothbrush (not a thimble).

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