The wisdom tooth
Tooth extraction is the most well-known oral surgery intervention. In our clinic, surgeons are specialists with extensive experience, dental extraction is performed with minimal discomfort and in a short time. More laborious dental extractions can also be performed with analgesia, for an improved collaborative experience and increased mental comfort.
Wisdom tooth extraction – prophylactic or emergency treatment?
The wisdom tooth
Ideally, once the impossibility of the normal eruption of the wisdom tooth is discovered, it should be prophylactically extracted from the bud phase, with minimal discomfort for the patient.
Unfortunately, most patients accept the extraction only when the problems caused by it are very great and therefore the post-extraction suffering is also great.

When is wisdom tooth extraction recommended?
Mineral pulp extraction is a common procedure, which is performed for different reasons:
- pain due to partial eruption or in oblique position;
- crowding and destruction of neighboring teeth;
- migraines, ear pain, pain when opening the mouth;
- extended caries;
- inflammation of the surrounding gum and cheek;
- applying the dental appliance and avoiding relapses;
- the inclusion in relation to the mandibular nerve and the maxillary sinus.
Replacement of extracted teeth
Extracted wisdom teeth are not replaceable, as they do not provide masticatory benefit and cannot be properly sanitized.
The other extracted teeth must be replaced as soon as possible, ideally after a maximum of 3 months, because their absence produces the migration of neighboring and opposing teeth with the loss of contact points, occlusal, aesthetic, periodontal and musculo-articular imbalances, much more difficult and expensive to be dealt with later.
Also, any unprosthetic extraction is accompanied by loss of bone volume, expansion of the maxillary sinus, sometimes even exposure of the mandibular nerve.
Our dental clinic offers multiple prosthetic solutions for extracted teeth, which you can see on the page: Dental prosthetics.
Extraction of the erupted wisdom tooth
It is a common operation in dental offices, performed under local anesthesia or analgesia. The post-extraction healing period can be longer than with other teeth, due to its position, the access of the brush being difficult in the area.
In the EXCEDENT clinic, the gum is always sutured, for a better coverage of the alveolus. The patient returns to the office 5-7 days after the extraction to remove the threads, a completely painless procedure.
In some cases, a post-extraction antibiotic is recommended for 5-7 days. Most of the time, a correct anti-inflammatory treatment led by the doctor and following the post-extraction indications are enough for an easy healing.
At the EXCEDENT Clinic, we do post-extraction pain therapy and biostimulation of the alveolus with laser, to reduce the symptoms and the discomfort felt. In this way, you will be able to resume your usual activities the next day.
Complications given by wisdom teeth
Book now- Repeated infections (pericoronitis) and bad breath;
- Postextraction alveolitis;
- Trismus, dental neuralgia, hypersalivation;
- Dental crowding, which causes worse hygiene of the teeth, gingivitis
- Changing the position of the incisors, both in the maxilla and in the mandible.
- Dental caries on the neighboring teeth, due to the bacterial plaque on the wisdom tooth
- Loss of implants in the vicinity of the wisdom tooth