The wisdom tooth

Tooth extraction is the most well-known oral surgery intervention. In our clinic, surgeons are specialists with extensive experience, dental extraction is performed with minimal discomfort and in a short time. More laborious dental extractions can also be performed with analgesia, for an improved collaborative experience and increased mental comfort.

Wisdom tooth extraction – prophylactic or emergency treatment?

The wisdom tooth

Ideally, once the impossibility of the normal eruption of the wisdom tooth is discovered, it should be prophylactically extracted from the bud phase, with minimal discomfort for the patient.

Unfortunately, most patients accept the extraction only when the problems caused by it are very great and therefore the post-extraction suffering is also great.

extractii dentare molarul de minte

Descoperă Serviciile Noastre Stomatologice Profesionale

Cu experiență vastă și tehnologie de vârf, echipa noastră de specialiști te ajută să obții un zâmbet sănătos și strălucitor. Vino și descoperă cum putem transforma zâmbetul tău!

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