Laser prophylaxis

The Epic X laser is a device at the forefront of technology, with the help of which EXCEDENT clinic patients benefit from laser prophylaxis of a large number of conditions, from herpes simplex to periodontitis or oral cancer.

Who can benefit from laser prophylaxis?

Laser prophylaxis

Laser prophylaxis is aimed at children over 3 years old and adults.

Laser treatments are very easily tolerated, most interventions last only a few minutes.

Laser prophylaxis does not require injectable anesthesia, and the results are felt immediately.

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Frequently asked questions Laser Prophylaxis

Here's what you need to know about laser prophylaxis

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  • Are laser interventions in children indicated?

    Yes! In the EXCEDENT Clinic, we indicate laser interventions for children in the following situations:

    1. laser frenectomy: prevents and treats difficulties related to feeding and speech in children, dyslexia, orthodontic conditions, caused by defective insertion of the frenum of the tongue or upper lip.
    2. before cavity preparation: reduces pain in pediatric dentistry, increases the child’s ability to cooperate through direct analgesic effect on nerve endings.
    3. pulpotomies on temporary teeth, without vibrations and without anaesthesia.
  • Can periodontitis be prevented with laser cleaning?

    Yes! It has been scientifically proven that the bacterial recolonization of the tooth is slowed down for 4-6 weeks by complete sanitation (ultrasound descaling, professional brushing and air-flow) followed by laser cleaning LBR (laser bacterial reduction).

    In this way, gingival retraction, gingival bleeding, tartar deposition and obviously, the evolution of periodontitis can be prevented.

    Laser cleaning LBR in cases of established periodontitis prevents cross-contamination during periodontometry from an affected tooth (with a periodontal pocket up to 7 mm) to another healthier one (with a periodontal pocket of only 2-3 mm).</p >

    In this way, even in the same patient, the extension of periodontosis to the entire dentition is limited.

Laser cleaning

Laser prophylaxis

The mechanisms of action of LLBT (low level laser therapy) have been studied for over 30 years. They have become an extremely valuable and safe tool for treatment.

Laser cleaning is a procedure that involves deep sterilization of the gingival grooves with laser tips and biostimulation of the gingival tissue.

The procedure is completely painless and costs only 300 lei/arcade. It takes 15-25 min for the entire denture and has an effect of 4-6 weeks.

BIOSTIMULATION OF THE GUMS with LASER is carried out by:

  1. increasing gingival vascularity
  2. increases the release of endorphins
  3. increases cell proliferation by 150% and fibroblast metabolism, with periotherapy benefits
  4. stimulates the local immune reaction
  5. reduces inflammation and edema

Come and experience laser cleaning before you experience gum recession and associated sensitivity!

So you can enjoy your healthy teeth for longer!

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