Gingivitis and gingival bleeding

Gingivitis is the most common condition of the gums and is the first stage in the appearance of periodontitis.

Gingivitis - the first stage in the appearance of periodontitis

Gingivitis and gingival bleeding

The marginal periodontium is composed of all the tissues that ensure the maintenance and support of the teeth in the jaw bones.

These are:

  • the gums;
  • periodontal ligaments;
  • jaw bones.

Practically, the teeth sit in the jawbones “like in a hammock” made of collagen fibers.

This assembly undergoes changes with age and is affected by microbial and mechanical irritation.

Healthy gums are light pink and have small depressions with an “orange peel” appearance.

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Frequent Asked Questions Gingivitis and gingival bleeding

Here's what you need to know about gingivitis and gingival bleeding.

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  • What is gingivitis?

    Gingivitis is the most frequent condition of the gums and is the first stage in the appearance of periodontosis.

    Gingivitis involves inflammation of the gingival tissue due to the deposition of bacterial plaque, without affecting the bone surrounding the root. Unremoved bacterial plaque mineralizes and forms tartar. It irritates the gum and mechanically pushes it away from the tooth surface, causing gum recession.

    The patient accuses:

    • gingival bleeding easily produced when brushing, chewing or even spontaneously in the morning;
    • changes in color, appearance and volume: red, swollen and smooth gums, without an “orange peel” appearance;
    • change in consistency: soft gums, which easily detach from the tooth.
    • bad-smelling breath.

    Some patients may still have sensations of itching, stinging or even mild pain, especially during brushing, avoiding for this reason its correct performance and aggravating the inflammation.

  • Why does gingivitis occur? Why are your gums bleeding?

    Gingivitis and bleeding gums occur as a result of:

    • incorrectly mechanically performed hygiene (wrong brushing: too hard, too infrequent, selective on certain areas)
    • tartar formed supra and subgingivally.
    • oral environment (acidity, microbial load after frequent and irregular meals)
    • mechanical irritation: irregular edges of caries, fillings or prosthetic works.
    • occlusal trauma produced by missing teeth and the migration of neighbors and antagonists. This opens the contact points and favors the interdental food impact.
    • dento-alveolar crowding not corrected orthodontically: favors the accumulation of tartar and bacterial plaque between the teeth, especially in the lower incisors.
    • bruxism: causes the increase in physiological tooth mobility and the widening of the periodontal space.
  • How is gingivitis treated?

    Gingivitis is completely cured through an appropriate treatment that involves supra- and subgingival scaling, irrigation with antiseptic solutions, bacterial decontamination with a laser and mandatory good oral hygiene performed at home by to the patient.

    At the EXCEDENT CLINIC, we carry out complete dental hygiene through 4 procedures: ultrasonic descaling, professional dental brushing, air-flow with sodium bicarbonate and LBR laser-cleaning.

    The Biolase laser stops microbial colonization for a period of 4-6 weeks.

    Acute gingivitis is also treated at home with bleaching solutions prepared according to recipes issued by the dentist, after sanitization.

    Patients are trained individually and free of charge to maintain daily hygiene by electric or manual brushing, using dental floss, mouthwash and mouthwash.

    Gingival bleeding disappears and the gums regain their healthy appearance within a maximum of 48 hours. Gingivitis is the first stage in the evolution of periodontitis.

    Periodic control and its treatment are a necessity for a healthy body and a beautiful and pleasant smile!!

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